How to Build a DIY Privacy Fence on a Tight Budget
Building a DIY privacy fence can alleviate the challenge of living in close proximity to neighbors or busy public areas. Partition fences installed directly on property lines mark the division between homes but don't always provide privacy. But a privacy fence is tall enough and has enough solid infill material to protect privacy on both sides while still being able to mark boundaries in an aesthetically pleasing way.
Best Materials for a DIY Privacy Fence
Wood has long been and continues to be a popular material for privacy fencing. Fence wood, usually cedar or pine, is plentiful, relatively inexpensive, and simple to work with.
Wood-composite and vinyl are good materials for privacy fences, too. Bamboo, chainlink, and wrought iron fences contain too many spaces to provide privacy.
A wood privacy fence can be built either from individual fence boards and stringers or from pre-fabricated wood panels.
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